
Friday, February 4, 2011

Care Package

I have received instructions on how to send a care package to my little girl thousands of miles away, whom I've never met.  I am excited to put something together but at the same time a little nervous.  This will be her first contact with us and I want it to show all the love that I feel for her while not overtaxing the orphanage workers with excess.  I know I am obsessing more than I should, but first immpressions are so important.

Okay, okay.  She is only 10 months old with nothing to call her own and anything we send will be more than she had before.  But I am not there to smother her with kisses as I am able to do with my boys and I need to show her that she is valued.  I am not even sure whether it will actually be delivered to her anyway.  I am not so much concerned with that because I am sure whatever I send will find someone in need, even if it is not my precious daughter.

And I am not above bribes, etither.  You can bet that there will be plenty of gifts for the orphanage workers as well.  Not only do they have an impossible job, but they are in charge of caring for little Yishi and I want to ensure her top-quality care.

So I will put something together which will feel completely inadequate in expressing my total love for her, but at least she will have something.  That's really the best I can do and that's all I can really expect, after all...

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